Custom Query (312 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 312)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2257 Неявное разрушение всех настроек и очень странное поведение сервера defect minor nginx-core
#2375 Дополнить документацию defect minor nginx-core
#1712 xfs - nginx cache manager wrongly calculates cache size defect major other
#733 wrong internal redirect using alias and try_files defect minor nginx-core
#1610 Writing connections counter leak in stub_status. defect major other
#714 Writing connection leak while SPDY enabled defect minor nginx-core
#58 Worker process exists when using OPTIONS method from Delta-V (Subversion) via HTTPS somebody defect major nginx-core
#850 worker process exists, prevents OCSP stapling response (?) defect major documentation
#1311 worker_processes auto mode does not consider isolated CPUs defect minor other
#1390 Windows compile http_v2_module on download page enhancement minor other
#2136 When I connect http2 to one server on 80 port, then it propagates to other servers on 80 port defect minor nginx-core
#1508 When browser access nginx http/2 server with large cookies, nginx don't return HTTP4xx but return http/2 ENHANCE YOUR CALM error. defect major nginx-core
#1184 WebSocket forwarding doesn't work defect minor other
#949 Very intermittent 400 errors defect minor nginx-core
#1007 Version 1.10.0->1.10.1 config with alias with versioning failed to work defect blocker nginx-package
#2533 Variables does not work in error_log and ssl_certificate defect minor documentation
#2550 Using the 'sudo ./nginx -t' command results in the issue of the ownership of the 'proxy_temp' and other temporary folders being changed. defect major documentation
#989 Use monotonic time for event handlers enhancement minor nginx-core
#1575 use "font/woff" and "font/woff2" in file "mime.types" defect minor nginx-core
#2354 Usage of "URI" in Documentation is confusing defect minor nginx-1.22.0 documentation
#589 url rewrite encoding issue defect blocker nginx-core
#1043 URL encoded change regex match result defect minor other
#2323 URI rewrite does not work when limit_except is defined in same context defect major nginx-core
#2192 Upstream Keepalive - TCP connection to the upstream closes defect minor nginx-core
#665 $upstream_http_var not able to be used in proxy_set_header defect minor nginx-core
#1685 Update fonts mime types refer to IANA defect minor other
#1934 Unpredictable behaviour using proxy_cookie_path to add SameSite cookie attribute defect critical documentation
#777 Unix sockets are not closed before shutting down the server defect major nginx-core
#2241 Under special circumstances cause http code 400 defect minor documentation
#2612 Unable to build nginx with latests BoringSSL version defect major nginx-1.26 nginx-core
#234 try_files with if somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1404 try_files not working after if condition defect minor other
#434 try_files not honored when in location and if + rewrite defect major nginx-core
#1707 try_files doesn't work sometimes defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#579 try_files and $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#2511 try_files and $cookie_ problem defect minor nginx-core
#1942 TLS-protocol-dependent option for ssl_prefer_server_ciphers enhancement minor nginx-module
#2269 TLS handshake errors within proxy protocol are reported with incorrect source IP defect minor nginx-core
#2073 TLS 1.3 handshake failure with ssl_reject_handshake on defect minor nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#1484 Timeouts when proxying to Apache and using Keepalive defect major other
#2468 The value of variable `$http_host` will not fallback to the value of `:authority` pseudo-header when the client not providing the request header `Host` defect minor nginx-1.23.4 http/3
#2083 The restriction on directive "fastcgi_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2088 The relationship between directive "uwsgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2087 The relationship between directive "scgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2085 The relationship between directive "fastcgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#957 the "http2" parameter requires ngx_http_v2_module defect minor nginx-module
#1948 The directive 'ssl_protocols' is invalid ? defect minor nginx-module
#1567 SystemD reload swallows error messages defect minor other
#1952 systemd[1]: nginx.service: Failed to parse PID from file /run/ Invalid argument defect minor nginx-core
#783 syslog tag not properly included when writing to unix socket defect major nginx-core
#2428 Suggestion: Windows 64-bit builds enhancement minor nginx-core
#2593 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect minor documentation
#2594 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect major nginx-core
#1434 Strange behaviour with' if' & 'try_files' directives inside a 'location'. defect major nginx-core
#2319 "ssl_verify_client: optional" no longer forwards "FAILED" result on expired certificate defect minor nginx-module
#1585 ssl_verify_client cause core dump defect blocker nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1998 SSL Stapling not preloading OCSP answer defect minor nginx-module
#942 SSL_shutdown() failed while SSL handshaking defect critical nginx-core
#674 SSL server config without cert-file passes configtest defect major nginx-core
#1310 SSL proxy - CRL verification error defect minor other
#1470 ssl_protocols is not overwrited by specific "per-server" value defect minor other
#2305 ssl_protocols directive in server { } doesn't work defect minor nginx-core
#444 SSL error with Internet explorer clients defect minor nginx-core
#1970 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect major nginx-core
#1601 ssl default server must have a cert even if it's not being accessed defect minor nginx-core
#987 ssl_ciphers default value incompatible with HTTP/2 when ssl_prefer_server_ciphers=on defect minor nginx-core
#303 SSI stop working with SPDY patch defect critical nginx-module
#587 src/core/ngx_crypt.c:82:5: error: 'MD5_Init' is deprecated: first deprecated in OS X 10.7 defect minor nginx-core
#1071 space H in curl request return 400 bad request from nginx defect blocker other
#1371 some url contains space will be treated as invalid defect minor nginx-module
#1533 Some news about "support configure TLS1.3-Only ciphers" task minor nginx-1.15 nginx-module
#2538 Site has TLS 1.2 connection despite being configured with TLS 1.3 only defect minor documentation
#153 SIGCHLD + SIGIO после обновления с 1.1.17 на 1.1.19 somebody defect major nginx-core
#1127 set_real_ip_from not working in 1.10.x defect minor nginx-module
#1878 Set ciphersuite list order for TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#2274 Serving stale content, when proxy_cache_background_update is on and Cache-Control disappears defect minor nginx-module
#802 $server_protocol is empty with the HTTP/2.0 module defect major nginx-core
#1714 Server Name Indication (SNI) in NGINX isn't honoring ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers etc. per server{} config / TLS downgrade and server exhaustion attack. defect critical nginx-core
#1717 server info enhancement trivial nginx-core
#2211 Sendfile stalls on files larger that 2GB defect critical nginx-core
#1251 Segmentation fault in special nginx mode defect minor nginx-core
#2207 Segfault at src/core/ngx_palloc.c defect major nginx-core
#1571 Secure close connection on no SNI provided enhancement minor nginx-core
#1745 REQ: Built-in ACME/LetsEncrypt enhancement minor other
#2471 reopen logs root defect trivial nginx-core
#2411 reload correlates with "open socket ... left in connection", response absent or truncated, and no access.log entry defect minor nginx-core
#630 Regression: Blank page (zero-size response) with PHP FPM defect blocker nginx-core
#1589 realip module's effective level defect minor other
#1205 rare crash fix defect minor nginx-core
#2581 quic: virtual host not working defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2266 QUIC: cookies not transferred correctly on redirect defect critical nginx-core
#2522 Python distribution tools will require html5 in future versions. enhancement minor http/3
#1764 Purely syntactic config check? enhancement minor nginx-core
#2388 proxy_intercept_errors breaks keepalive connections defect minor nginx-module
#1245 proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, like mkdir -p) defect minor 1.12.0 nginx-core
#2189 proxy_cache don't work with X-Accel-Redirect response from proxy defect major nginx-module
#1614 proxy cache 404 STALE forever defect minor other
#2308 proxy_bind and proxy_pass address family mismatch causes connection fail defect minor nginx-core
#789 Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. defect major nginx-core
#1287 Problem with proxy_pass when using upstream and map defect minor nginx-module
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